Sunday, 28 October 2012

Yes or no ?

In the cosmetic world, when it comes to animal testing, there's a lot of changes.
Here is another one :

Yes to was showing on PETA's Don't test list.
Last time I saw Yes to on it, it was 2012, Sept 17th.

Today, can't find them anymore...

I decided to contact them.
No sign of life on Twitter & I got an automatic response to my email saying that it takes 3 open days before any answer.
My email was sent on October 25th, so I'm expecting an answer by October 30th.

However, I'm not expecting a satisfying answer.
What I know is that usually, when PETA takes off their list a brand, it's not good.

What I'd like you to do, for the sake of animals, is also to write to Yes to
Tell them politely you want an answer.

For now, I'm not buying their products anymore.
My dollar, my vote.

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