Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Tea is ready!

Some nice David's Tea

Why am I talking about tea ? Because animal testing can go that far...

Around a year ago, PETA found out that Lipton was doing it for its teas.
Thanks to the organisation's work and to the public reaction, Lipton that belongs to Unilever, did put an end to the testing. (only for the tea, not for the other products!)

If you want to know more about that, you may click here.

That is why I also check teas now.  :-)

I wrote (in french) to David's tea and got an answer that is really clear :
No animal testing on ingredients, formulations or finished products.
They make sure their suppliers don't do animal testing either.

When you write to a brand, you should always expect an answer that is that clear. That's the only way you'll be able to tell if the brand is Cruelty-free or not.

Now, let's talks about the teas!

Iced teas

Since summer is almost here, let's look at some iced teas!
There is 39 different flavours at David's tea.

I'm pretty sure you'll find one you will like :)  Here are some examples:

Blanc coco
coconut grove

La grande aventure de Kiwi
kiwis big adventure
Oolong au cédrat
citron oolong

Songe d'une nuit d'été
midsummer night's dream

Mangue punchée
mango fruit punch


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